Determination of Specific Gravity of Cement

The specific gravity of cement is also known as the Relative Density of cement. It is the ratio of the density of cement to the density of given reference material. It is also defined as the ratio of the mass of a certain volume of cement to the mass of an equal volume of reference material. Generally, Water is used as the reference material. Note: The specific gravity value of portland cement is generally around 3.15 while the specific gravity value of portland-blast-furnace-slag and portland-pozzolan cement may have specific gravities near 2.90. Portland Cement Association (PCA). (1988). Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures. Portland Cement Association. Significance of Specific Gravity of Cement Specific Gravity of any substance represents the ability of that substance to sink or float in water. And it also shows, how heavy is the substance than water. If the specific gravity of any substance is less than 1 then the substance will float and if it is less than 1 then substance...