
Showing posts from July, 2020

what is solid mechanics?

Solid Mechanics is the most useful and necessary subject for engineers. Engineering, regardless of different branches, requires the use of different types of material. Let it be mechanical, civil, or electrical, all use some sort of material from less to large extent. It might be steel, iron or aluminum, or wood, concrete or soil derivative, or their combinations.  Before using any material into the construction work or any such work, it is very necessary to know the different properties of the material. It is equally necessary to know, how does the material behave in different environments; what are the maximum capacities of the material while considering the application of various physical and environmental factors? Will it stand up to our requirements and at the same time be economical? Solid mechanics is the part of mechanics that deals with the study of the behavior of solid materials regarding their motion and deformation with respect to the application of forces, temperature

Metamorphic Rocks, Diagenesis and Rock Cycle

Metamorphism is a Greek word that means 'to change form/shape'. Metamorphism is the change in the character of pre-existing rocks with the application of heat and pressure.  What happens basically is when the surroundings around a rock changes in terms of heat and pressure, the pre-existing character of the rock becomes unstable and shifts towards stability by changing itself to a more stable character. This process is known as metamorphism. Below the earth's surface at a certain depth, the temperature rises, and the stress/pressure comes into play with the movement of tectonic plates or the plastic nature of the rocks at greater depth, below the earth's surface, and hence, the nature of rocks changes giving rise to metamorphic rocks. Nature of stress/pressure may be directed (in case of movement of tectonic plates) or uniform in case it is applied to liquids or to the plastic rocks. Metamorphism is characterized as below: Thermal Metamorphism: Heat is predomin

Geological Classification of Rocks

Stones are obtained from the rocks and hence the knowledge of rocks is very essential in the study of stones. The rocks can be classified on the basis of its formation geologically. It can also be classified on the basis of its physical character, and chemical composition. In this article, we will talk about the geological classification of rocks. Geologically, the rocks are classified as follows: 1.      Igneous rocks 2.      Sedimentary rocks 3.      Metamorphic rocks Igneous rocks The temperature inside the earth's surface is very high which results in the fusion of materials at ordinary pressure. The materials inside the earth's surface remain in the molten state at this temperature and pressure and known as magma. They try to come out from cracks or volcanoes. When this magma cools, forms igneous rock. It is further classified as follows: Plutonic rocks Hypabyssal rocks Volcanic rocks Plutonic Rocks These rocks are formed by the c